We are all doing the best we can right now! I am finding that there are some non-negotiables that are helping me to feel resourced to get through each day and to try to be a light to others. 1.) Morning quiet time: I must admit, I have always been a morning person… I may not be getting up quite as early these days, as the kids bedtime has shifted a little later, but I am still starting each day with some alone time in my sacred space. 2.) Daily Movement: I continue to maintain my commitment to begin the day with moving my body. This is huge for me... even if it’s just 10 mins on the elliptical and 20 mins of yoga. Critical to a healthy mindset and feeling comfortable in my own skin. So very helpful in moving out any energy that may not be serving me. 3.) Getting Ready: I’ve enjoyed the comfort of yoga pants and haven’t minded not “getting dressed,” but I am talking the time to put on a little makeup and do a little something with my hair. This is just a little gift to myself that makes me feel good about ME. 4.) Connection: I’ve developed an amazing supportive community. That which I’m so very grateful for. I make it a daily practice to connect in some way. This which is so very life-giving. *I also put forth effort to take a walk with my husband, have couch-time to debrief about our day or to zone out and watch a show together. It’s so helpful to prioritize our relationship, especially during this challenging time. 5.) Practicing the PAUSE: when in doubt, uncertain, uncomfortable or frustrated, etc., I have learned to pause. To breathe. To practice presence. To step back and evaluate the next right thing. This aids me in choosing a mindful response vs a hasty reaction. 6.) Special Time: I try to create the opportunity to have one-on-one time, with each child, for (at least) 10 mins each day. This is such a helpful tool. One that creates connection and helps us to feel endeared to each other. The kiddo takes the lead in what we do. *I put my phone away and am fully present. There’s much more cooperation and easy flow when I maintain the effort to accomplish this (especially daily.) 7.) Being of service: asking myself each day what I can do to help someone else is the common denominator to getting out of self. Even being at home, there’s opportunity to be of service... someone to call, someone to connect with over zoom, a way to be of service to a neighbor, or writing a handwritten letter, etc. 8.) Time in Nature: I try to take the time to get outside for a daily walk. Or, just to stand outside and take in the beauty of springtime that surrounds me. I am so grateful that this time of social distancing is happening during such a beautiful season. The sun or rain, the vibrant colors, the breeze on my skin all let me know I’m alive. As the landscape changes daily I’m reminded that this time of isolation will pass too. Creation gives me hope. 9.) Stability and Flexibility: Acceptance of the things I cannot change/control and choosing to have the courage to change the things I can helps to keep me balanced. Maintaining my emotional sobriety, and not swaying too far one-way on the pendulum, grounds me and allows me to know peace and to choose joy. 10.) Focused Attention to my purpose: Focusing on what I have set out to accomplish... my goals and dreams, that which fulfills my soul. *I’m happy to book a FREE clarity call with you to identify what you might be feeling invited to at this point in your life. 11.) PLAY: trying to incorporate play each day has aided in experiencing moments of joy. Be it ping-pong, darts, jumping on the trampoline or shooting hoops with my kids, some type of play is a way to experience some levity in this liminal space. Lastly, I am choosing to focus on GRATITUDE and LETTING GO. Simultaneously, I am also allowing myself to feel all of the feelings I may be experiencing, even grief (which has surfaced these days as well.) I am reminded of the days when I used to numb all of my feelings. Observing now how thankful I am I’m to feel all of this and to stay. I can be present, here in the now, without feeling the need to run away. May we all continue to be gentle with ourselves and trust the process as we, even at a distance, continue to walk one another home. 💕
Grace and Peace,